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  • Julianna Rolaf

How I "spice" up my car for fall

Updated: Sep 15, 2020

The fall season is one of the best times of year! I just love the crisp, chilly air and everything that comes along with it. Apple picking, pumpkin carving, hayrides, cider tasting, cool nights by the bonfire, pumpkin spice lattes, haunted houses, scary movies, and so much more. My absolute favorite fall tradition is getting to go apple picking with my childhood bestie, Abigail. Its so special to me because our families started going together when we were in 3rd grade and have made it a point to never miss a single year. Its always such a nice day together. We take an hour long drive along the country side to get to the farm. First, we ALWAYS have to make a quick pit stop though. On the way to the apple orchard there's an alpaca farm! They're so cute! Plus if its really cold and they were just shaved, the owners put sweaters on them! I can't!!!

After we get to the apple orcahrd we get some hot apple cider and hop on the hay ride. We weave through all the different kinds of apple trees making sure to get some of each kind. The honey crisps are my fav! On the way out pick up some vibrant mums to bring home to our "mums".. haha jk our Moms. To end the day we hang in the kitchen and bake some delicious apple pie! 🥧

Anyways! Back to decorating your car for fall! Here is everthing I added!



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